Mute maps and form for manual processing of ALD data

Since the publication of the “Atlas linguistique de la France” ALF (from 1902), “mute (or: silent) maps” have been in common use in Romance linguistic geography. They are used to classify analytically (and typify) the content of the original maps of the various Romance linguistic atlases. Since 1902, considerable knowledge has been acquired using this very useful heuristic tool. The methods of Salzburg dialectometry are also based on it. This is why the manual use of mute maps is also essential for the effective use of ALD, despite the existence of digitALD.

This is why we are providing ALD users with corresponding forms in PDF format (for download). They are available in the following versions:

  • with and without polygonisation
  • with or without reference to ALD-I or ALD-II
without polygons PDF PDF PDF
with polygons PDF PDF PDF

In addition, we provide ALD users with a special form for the manual processing of ALD data (“Elenco delle 217 località dell’ALD”) comprising five pages. This module allows the manual extraction – and also their subsequent numerical synthesis – of linguistic phenomena of particular interest for up to 10 ALD maps.